We are running out of time. By the year 2030, we must halve our greenhouse gas emissions if we’re to have any chance avoiding the worst of climate change.

That’s 10 years from now. To put that in perspective, Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was released fourteen years ago – in 2006.

We need to work simultaneously on multiple fronts to halt the climate emergency. Thankfully, there are lots of ways we can do this.

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Stopping all new Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Because pipelines have a payback period of decades, pro-pipeline groups are betting on the climate going over the tipping point – or that governments will use taxpayer dollars to bail them out.

From 2016-2019, I worked at Stand.earth in coalition with Indigenous leaders, grassroots groups, and environmental organizations to halt the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

Support these organizations:

Protect the Inlet | Stand.earth

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Un-Insuring Fossil Fuels

Insurance companies are losing billions of dollars when climate disasters like floods, fires, and hurricanes decimate communities. Yet, the same companies continue to insure the same fossil fuel projects that fuel climate change to begin with.

I produce media for Insure Our Future, a coalition of organizations that pressure insurance companies to do what’s in their best interest and stop insuring fossil fuels

Insure Our Future | Sunrise Project | RAN.org